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ProIntegration Tech
Hi-Tech Building
Pavilion «Forum»
Booth: 116, LOFT 3
Exposition: ProIntegration Tech, Hi-Tech Building
Set up a meeting
Address: 518000, ShenZhen, Room 306, Building Y1, Bantian Creative Park, Bantian Street, Longgang District
Phone: +0 (086) 131-68-04-9038
Trademarks: AC SHOW
Established in June 2012. Headquartered in Beijing, China. The company covers an area of 2,000 square meters and currently has 50 employees. We are a global alternative third-party projector compatible lens supplier, mainly selling long and short throw projection lenses, fisheye lenses and customized acousto-optical accessories for the exhibition industry.
Pavilion «Forum»
Booth: -
Exposition: Hi-Tech Building
Set up a meeting
Address: 127015, Москва, ул. Вятская, д.49, стр. 2
Phone: +7 (499) 110-40-05
Trademarks: Amods
We created Amods
inspired by the trend for custom
mass-market products.

Modern technologies allow
you to realize any dreams,
including your own style
of intercoms and switches.

Carefully preserving original ideas
and electronics, we give individuality
to devices for each project.

Our team of professional
designers, technologists, installers
is united by a passion for noble and high–quality
Pavilion «Forum»
Booth: 229, loft 2
Exposition: ProIntegration Tech
Set up a meeting
Address: 109316, Moscow, Volgogradsky Prospekt, 32, building 19
Phone: +7 (499) 650-78-02
Ancomp Group unites a number of companies specializing in complex equipment of educational facilities, office spaces modernization, integrated AV solutions, engineering infrastructure & integrated automation construction, interactive & lighting equipment production.

The company also holds leading positions in distribution of trademarks: ANCOMP, ANTOUCH, ANLIGHT, VHD, Absen, QSTech.
Pavilion «Forum»
Booth: 126, Loft 3
Exposition: Hi-Tech Building
Set up a meeting
Address: 125212, Москва, Головинское шоссе 5 корп 1
Phone: +7 (800) 222-01-57
Trademarks: Aqara
Aqara is a company with 13 years of experience in IoT technologies. We produce smart home devices and aim to meet all users' needs. It's a special lifestyle that includes fully automated home management, made simpler and more convenient.
More than 36 million Aqara devices are already simplifying life: with just one gesture, you can set up home appliance control.
Booth: -
Exposition: Hi-Tech Building
Phone: +7 (812) 605-00-50
«ASN-info» является интернет-проектом Агентства Строительных Новостей, выпускающего ведущее издание инвестиционно-строительного комплекса Северо-Запада – газету «Строительный Еженедельник», которая является официальным публикатором правовых актов в области проектирования, реконструкции, строительства, капитального ремонта. Новостной портал «ASN-info» специализируется на освещении проблематики развития рынка недвижимости Санкт-Петербурга, Москвы и регионов Cеверо-Запада. Особое внимание уделяется развитию инвестиционно-строительного рынка, и в частности, сектора жилищного строительства как одного из приоритетных национальных проектов России.
Pavilion «Forum»
Booth: 130, LOFT 3
Exposition: Hi-Tech Building
Set up a meeting
Address: 121354, Москва г, Дорогобужская ул, дом № 14, строение 6, Moscow, 121354, Moscow, st. Dorogobuzhskaya, building 14 / 6
Phone: +7 (800) 505-54-87
Site: awada.ru
Trademarks: AWADA
AWADA – ultimate solution for DALI lighting control.
A unique interface based on a dynamic 3D building model provides powerful and intuitive tools to configure the lighting control system based on DALI2 protocol.
The initial start-up and commissioning works can be performed with basic DALI skill without any special knowledge or expertise.
Pavilion «Forum»
Booth: -
Exposition: Hi-Tech Building
Address: 127015, Moscow, Off. 1110, building 1, 5а, Novodmitrovskaya street
Phone: +7(499) 519-64-85
www.btest.ru - on-line is an edition about gadgets, home and garden appliances. News from producers. Analysis and comperison new technologies. Overview of new models and service function. Home tests. Laboratiry and comparative tests. Professional advice how to select, where to buy and how to use. Buyers' reviews and discussions. Electronic trading area. The best pricesin the Rissian market.. Hundreds of the Internet shops. More than 100 links to "Buy on-line".  Contests and trade shares.
Booth: -
ComNews Group
Exposition: ProIntegration Tech, Hi-Tech Building
Address: 2/1 V. Krasnoselskaya str., building 1, 107140, Mosсow, Russia 22, Moskovsky Pr., office 36N, 190013, St.-Petersburg, Russia
Phone: +7 (495) 933-5483
ComNews is an independent group of companies with a history of leadership in the market of telecom, IT and broadcasting business information in Russia, CIS and emerging markets. The group was established in 1998 and today consists of five companies in Moscow and St.-Petersburg, rendering publishing, research, consultancy and eventing services. ComNews Group has over 70 fulltime employees. ComNews audience exceeds 150,000 industry professionals and mostly consists of top-managers from diverse telecom business (mobile & fixed communications, Internet, digital TV, corporate networks, and multiple convergent services). The key competence of ComNews is to produce and distribute original content with a guarantee of quality and efficient audience reach.
Pavilion «Forum»
Booth: -
Control Engineering Russia
Exposition: ProIntegration Tech, Hi-Tech Building
Address: Saint-Petersburg, Sadovaya st., 122
Phone: +7 (812) 438-1538, +7 (495) 987-3720
Control Engineering Russia covers the automation market, which designs, implements, maintains, and manages control/instrumentation systems, components, and equipment in manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries such as: Refining, Chemical, Petrochemical, Pulp & Paper, Electric Utilities, Metals & Mining, Pharmaceuticals, Food & Beverage, Semiconductor, Paper Products, Automotive, Aerospace, Appliances, Electrical/Electronics, OEM, Production, Machinery. Subscription indexes of Control Engineering magazine: «Rospechat agency» 70547.
Pavilion «Forum»
Booth: зал Wood, Loft 3
Exposition: ProIntegration Tech
Address: 111024, Moscow, Of.2, korp.1, 11A, shosse Entuziastov
Phone: +7 (495) 363-48-88
Trademarks: NEXT proaudio, Meyer Sound, Panasonic, IQ, Robert Juliat, UTTER, Voxnite, QuickConf, SURWISE, tranScreen, Appotronics, Sonnoc, ROLY, Diello, Bristage, FIX, BARCO, Viewscreen
CTC CAPITAL was founded in 1992 and is currently one of the leading Russian distributors of professional AV and stage equipment and accessories. CTC CAPITAL's modern brand portfolio includes more than 40 brands from recognized industry leaders with many years of experience in the development and production of high-quality equipment. The company's key partners are located in more than 10 countries.
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