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ProIntegration Tech
Hi-Tech Building
Booth: 121
Exposition: Hi-Tech Building
Set up a meeting
Address: 115201,
Phone: +7 (989) 581-52-89
Trademarks: 3R
Компания 3R — российский производитель инновационных устройств, специализирующийся на приборах для умного дома, ориентированных на «Зелёные технологии».

Благодаря более чем 10-летнему опыту работы с профессиональными решениями в области электроустановочных изделий, особенно с устройствами системы KNX, мы разрабатываем и внедряем уникальные функции в наши устройства, которых так не хватает российским инсталляторам и пользователям.

Наши сотрудники обладают высшими статусами сертификации KNX: KNX Tutor и KNX Manufacturer.

Мы стремимся сделать жизнь наших клиентов более комфортной и современной.
Booth: -
Exposition: ProIntegration Tech
Address: 197374, Saint-Petersburg, Office 225, 83 Savushkina St.
Phone: +7 (800) 333-73-17
Trademarks: Addreality
Addreality, a Skolkovo resident, is the developer of a leading Digital Signage platform.

The Addreality software is deployed on over 60,000 screens across more than 10,000 locations, enabling centralized content management, audience analytics through video recognition, and seamless integration with external systems. With its intuitive no-code editor, clients can effortlessly create and display personalized content, tailoring it to specific objectives and target audiences.
Booth: -
Akubela/InPrice Distribution
Exposition: Hi-Tech Building
Address: 117447, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Cheryomushkinskaya, 13 building 2.
Phone: +7 (495) 788-17-88
Trademarks: Akubela
Akubela is a brand of smart home systems from Akuvox, the world's leading manufacturer of products and solutions for IP intercom and smart building systems. Akubela offers innovative smart home solutions, including lighting, climate, security, and other aspects of home automation. At the exhibition, we will present Akubela products such as smart home control panels and monitors, ZigBee smart sensors and actuators. Akubela is an ultra–modern system built on the principles of multivariate implementation, which easily ensures implementation both through innovative cloud deployment and conservative local system construction supporting convergence of wired protocols such as KNX and wireless ZigBee in one implementation loop.

InPrice Distribution is the official distributor of Akubela and Akuvox in Russia.
Pavilion «Forum»
Booth: -
Exposition: Hi-Tech Building
Set up a meeting
Address: 127015, Москва, ул. Вятская, д.49, стр. 2
Phone: +7 (499) 110-40-05
Trademarks: Amods
We created Amods
inspired by the trend for custom
mass-market products.

Modern technologies allow
you to realize any dreams,
including your own style
of intercoms and switches.

Carefully preserving original ideas
and electronics, we give individuality
to devices for each project.

Our team of professional
designers, technologists, installers
is united by a passion for noble and high–quality
Booth: -
Exposition: Hi-Tech Building
Address: 153002, Ivanovo, Karla Marksa, 32
Phone: +7 (920) 347-81-27
BST is:

1. The first Russian premium vendor of home automation equipment.

Russian development, Russian manufacturing, Russian support.

2. Full-cycle engineering services — from design to implementation.


• Home automation;
• Ducted HVAC;
• Multimedia.
Pavilion «Forum»
Booth: зал Wood, Loft 3
Exposition: ProIntegration Tech
Address: 111024, Moscow, Of.2, korp.1, 11A, shosse Entuziastov
Phone: +7 (495) 363-48-88
Trademarks: NEXT proaudio, Meyer Sound, Panasonic, IQ, Robert Juliat, UTTER, Voxnite, QuickConf, SURWISE, tranScreen, Appotronics, Sonnoc, ROLY, Diello, Bristage, FIX, BARCO, Viewscreen
CTC CAPITAL was founded in 1992 and is currently one of the leading Russian distributors of professional AV and stage equipment and accessories. CTC CAPITAL's modern brand portfolio includes more than 40 brands from recognized industry leaders with many years of experience in the development and production of high-quality equipment. The company's key partners are located in more than 10 countries.
Pavilion «Forum»
Booth: зал Loft Angeles, зал Greenwich, Loft 3
Exposition: ProIntegration Tech
Set up a meeting
Address: 115230, Moscow, 1st Nagatinsky proezd, 10, Newton Plaza office building
Phone: +7 (495) 787-87-37
Site: www.digis.ru
Trademarks: Hisense, Exell, QSTECH, Newline, WyreStorm, RGBlink, Kramer, FDB Audio, Nearity
DIGIS Group is

Largest Russian distributor of Pro AV equipment

Largest Russian distributor of interactive equipment for education sector and corporate clients

Top 3 distributor of Hi-Fi, High End & CI equipment in Russia
Pavilion «Forum»
Booth: 114, Loft 3
Exposition: Hi-Tech Building
Set up a meeting
Address: 125480, Moscow, Studencheskaya street 26
Phone: +7 (495) 414-49-00
Site: dircode.ru
Trademarks: Philips
Electronic locks and electronic components for doors
Pavilion «Forum»
Booth: 202, Loft 2
Exposition: ProIntegration Tech
Set up a meeting
Address: 127422, Moscow, Moscow, Timiryazevskaya str., 1 c2
Phone: +7 (999) 099-37-13
We are the ECOPRO-AV team, experienced professionals and experts in the distribution of AV and IT equipment.

Our company specializes in direct deliveries of switching video equipment, sound equipment, including matrix switchers, controllers for video walls, devices for extending video and audio signals via twisted pair, optics, and IP solutions.

In addition, we offer a wide range of sound solutions for HORECA, sports facilities, and conference rooms. Our catalog includes more than 15,000 items from 35 brands: ABERMAN, AMX, Ashly, Audio Spotlight, Axiom, Clearone, Cypress, Datapath, Opticis, Percon, Sagitter, Sommer Cable, TVone, VHD, Vinteo, Xilica, HORION, and others.

We provide our clients with high-quality technical, financial, and project support, as well as perform the functions of representation, logistics, and maintenance.

Most of our team's specialists have more than 20 years of experience in the fields of pro AV, audio, and I...
Pavilion «Forum»
Booth: 214, Loft 2
Exposition: ProIntegration Tech
Set up a meeting
Address: 115280, Moscow, Office 907, building 2, 23a, Avtozavodskaya st.
Phone: +7 (495) 937-53-41
Trademarks: ESCORT, TAIDEN
Exclusive distibution of conference equipment, voting and language distribution systems by TAIDEN. Wholesale, distribution, installation, manufacturing of Public Address systems and professional sound equipment ROXTON. Designing and manufacturing of high quality Public Address systems ROXTON. Training center: seminars and webinars.
Organizer and partners
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